<script src="jquery-2.0.3.min.js" language="javascript"></script>
<script src="/"></script>
<meta name="viewport" content="user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0;" />
//------ Define your variables here
var socket = io.connect(window.location.hostname+':8080');
var nIntervId;
//steering min and max pwm cmds
var maxbeta = .175; //r limit
var minbeta = .105; //l limit
//throttle min and max pwm cmds
var mingamma = .105; //backwards limit
var maxgamma = .175; //forward limit
// This function is called when the page 1st loads on your phone
    //send data to the pi at 20Hz
    nIntervId = setInterval(SendToPi ,50);
    window.gyro = 'ready';
    alert('Ready -- Lets race !');
// This fuction is called @ 20Hz
function SendToPi()
    	if (window.gyro == 'ready')  
		//dont send another command until last one doone... its only a little pi
		window.gyro = 'notready';
		socket.emit('fromclient', { beta: beta, gamma: gamma } );
		window.gyro = 'ready';
    	}//END if
}//End SendToPI
// This fuction is called when the phone orientation changes
window.ondeviceorientation = function(event) 
    	var tmp_beta, tmp_gamma;
    	tmp_beta = .001167 * event.beta + .14;
    	//iphone beta =  .001167 * event.beta * -1) + .14;
    	if (tmp_beta >= maxbeta) 
    	if (tmp_beta <= minbeta) 
    	beta = tmp_beta; //update global
    	// throttle...
	// rather than going 0-360 gamma counts in + or - 90 degree quadrants.
	// this can be a pain as if you go past 90 degrees it can start
	// going the full opposite dir!
    	// past -90 (full reverse) it count down from + 90 (which would cause car to go full fwds)
    	// below 0 (full fwds) it counts up (which would get ignored)
	// this will just confuse the operator so we'll mask i out so it stays in the 0- (-90) range
    	tmp_gamma = event.gamma;
    	if(tmp_gamma > 45)
		tmp_gamma = -90; // gone past full reverse
	else if (tmp_gamma > 0)	
		tmp_gamma = 0;	//gone past full fwds
    	tmp_gamma = .00125 * tmp_gamma + .175;
    	//iphone gamma = -0.00125 * Math.round(event.gamma) + .175;
    	if (tmp_gamma >= maxgamma) 
    	if (tmp_gamma <= mingamma) 
    	gamma = tmp_gamma; //update global
}//END ondviceorientation
<body bgcolor="teal"> 

 <div id=info><font size=7><pre></pre>picar</pre></font></div>
 <div id=info><font size=3><pre></pre></pre></font></div>