
1. use piblaster to do the soft pwm.  
	pcb pin 12 throttle 17
	pcb pin 13 steer 18
	pcb pin 2 powers steering servo
	pis powered via usb cable powered by the esc black and red are 0v & 5v

2. download the piblaster daemon and js lib

	mkdir ~/picar
	cd ~/picar

	git clone
	npm install pi-blaster.js

	git clone
	sudo make install
	(now runs automatically)
	sudo make uninstall
	(to uninstall)

3. iphone 5 servo throttle:

spd			 R ---   M  ---  F
PWM DEMAND              .105    .14     .175
GAMMA RAW    		-56               0

Use excel to scale gamma->demand
pwm = -.00125 gam + .175

. servo steer
steer		        L ---        --- R
PWM DEMAND   	      .105	       .175
BETA RAW   	       -30              30
pwm = .001167 x gam + .14

4. sony xperia settings

	fwd		back
ph	7		-60
pwm	.175		.105
=.001044 ph + .168 

	left		r
	-30		30
	.105		.175
=.001167 ph + .14

use excel to scale beta->demand

6. Voltage range .17
7. pi current .46 A with a wifi fitted
8. BEC Max I 1A
9. Scaling the pwm and servos	
	a. use meter to get voltages from servos using rc controller
    	b. use pwm_test2 to get corresponding pwm demands for api
    	c. get raw gamma and beta vals from phone
    	d. scale in excel the gamma to pwm api levels
    	e gamma is throttle beta is steer

11. auto run node.js application on boot instructions
	a. create in /etc/init.d
	b. sudo chmod 755 ./
	c. sudo update-rc.d defaults
	d. "sudo update-rc.d remove" to remove auto start
	e. "sudo /etc/init.d/ start" to quick test or "stop"
	f. sudo chmod +x ./
12. alias cmds
to put int /etc/init.d/rc.local

	alias nodestart='sudo /etc/init.d/ start'
	alias nodestop='sudo /etc/init.d/ stop'
	alias nodetail='tail -n100 /var/log/node-server.log'

13. To check services 
	service --status--all

14. note pwm driver causes instability in the windowing environment
    enter the following cmd if you aren't using the pwm daemon but 
    dont want the gui to hang
    sudo /etc/init.d/pi-blaster stop

15. enter the following to set static ip
    nano /etc/network/interfaces

	auto lo

	iface lo inet loopback
	iface eth0 inet static
	allow-hotplug wlan0
	iface wlan0 inet manual
	wpa-roam /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
	iface default inet dhcp

16. Check the node service can run from anywhere using 
 	'sudo /etc/init.d start'
	in different dirs other than picar.

17. change ownership of dirs sou you don't have to keep using sudo:
    sudo chown -R pi media
    sudo chown -R picar
    ls -l picar 
    ls -l media


18. restart network...
    sudo /etc/init.d/networking stop
    sudo /etc/init.d/networking start